Simple Buyer Leads

🏠Buyer leads are simple…

👉Be Specific
Call out your city/ area

👉Use Emojis!
They help break up giant text walls and are more engaging

👉 Highlight Benefits
Include at least 1 major benefit of the house… ie Newly renovated, great schools, granite counter tops… Understand your market and what they are looking for

👉Use photos, price and address as lead magnet
Dont give away every detail of the house. Photos and price are great ways to get leads to hand over email and phone numbers.

👉Facebook Lead Forms
This is built into the platform. No fancy landing page needed. Collect Name, Email, and Phone. Switch it to Higher intent. This will force them to type it in rather than use the old info stored in Facebook. This will increase the quality of your lead.

👉Send them to messenger
Use a chatbot to automate your questions and get their info. Sending them to messenger and collecting their email and phone provides you 3 ways to get in touch with your buyer leads.

👉Follow Up
Yes… follow up!!! Internet leads are like matches! The longer you wait the colder they get.

If you are ready to try FB ads schedule a free call with me now