Stop Boosting your Listing

Realtors I get it… I really do.

Facebook teases you… they taunt you… they basically say

“Hey look! Posts like this are performing well. For 20 bucks we will show it to 1 Billion people… we promise…”

Facebook makes it easy, just click ok and begin boosting your post.

You think to yourself

Hmmm. 1 Billion people? If I advertise this listing to a billion people I will get a buyer in NO TIME!

So you go ahead and click Boost.

Then what???

You wait…

and wait…

Sure Facebook will begin showing you some fancy stats like seen by 10,000 people…

Someone may even comment on your post or like your post but you have this odd feeling like Facebook ads are “Not working”.

Over 2 days you have received ZERO buyer leads…

How could this be true?

Maybe you even begin to doubt if Facebook would ever work for you.

Unfortunately TOO many realtors and brokers fall into the Facebook Boost Trap.

Here is the thing. Facebook Ads are a powerful advertising tool, but you first need to know how to use them.

What a Boosted Post Really is

Facebook doesnt make it super clear when you are boosting your post that you are actually running an Engagement Campaign. Facebook has multiple different campaigns in business manager, and engagement is just one.

Each one of these campaigns have been designed to get the best results for various outcomes. Engagement or Boosted Posts has been designed to be placed in front of people who are likely to click Like or Comment on the Post.

Let’s think back to your boosted listing ad…

Is your objective to have people “like” the image of the house or is your objective to have someone Buy the house?

Objectives in Facebook Ads is EVERYTHING!

I am thinking that you are wanting to find people who want to BUY the house…

Guess what?

Facebook has a campaign just for the exact thing! (TWO actually). The only thing though is its NOT a boosted post.

Your Boosted post is doing exactly what Facebook designed it to do… Get Likes and Comments but not necessarily get buyers…

What should you do instead?

Lead Generation Campaign

Instead of Boosting a post, you can run a Lead Generation Campaign. Facebook has designed this to be put in front of people that are more likely ready to take action.

The powerful part of running a Lead Generation Campaign is that you can collect Name, Email address, and Phone numbers right on Facebook!!!

I created a step by step tutorial on how to run a Lead Generation Campaign instead of boosting posts.

Now What?

Simple… Go and turn off your Boosted Posts…

Facebook Ads can be extremely powerful but you need to have a solid strategy. Facebook Ads are NOT silver bullets and should not be treated that way.

Develop a solid strategy on how you want to use Facebook Ads.

Do you want to set up retargeting? Buyer Lead Funnels? Use Chat Bot Automation? etc.

After selecting your objective you then implement the appropriate Facebook Campaign to match your objective… FYI its most likely not boosting…

If you want to talk Facebook Ad Strategy, let’s chat: Free Facebook Strategy CallĀ