Facebook Ads Dont Work!

Facebook Ads DONT Work!
“Facebook ads are a waste of money”
“Not one quality lead”
“With Facebook’s new rules, real estate ads are dead!”

Let’s hit the pause button…

Facebook ads are NOT a silver bullet… they are just a tooI

If you bring together 100 realtors you will find realtors that say cold calling is a waste of time and money… not one quality lead… and is dead

That door knocking is a waste of time and not one quality lead… and is dead

It doesnt matter the tool, you will find people that complain that it doesnt work.

But let’s break down the numbers on Facebook ads for a minute…

The average cost per lead using Facebook is around $6.
Average close rate 2-3%…

I hear you already…

“That is terrible! Garbage!”
“My close rate on referrals is 90%!”

No worries!

Let’s keep doing the math 

Let’s pretend you are bringing in 3-4 leads per day.

At the end of the month you will have about 100 leads or so.

If you close the national average 2-3% that means you would close 2-3 homes that month.

If your commission is 5k per home that is $10,000 to $15,000…

How much did you spend on ads?!?
If you got 100 leads and the average cost per lead is $6…

Yeah… FB ads dont work

If you are ready to give FB ads a try schedule a free strategy call with me today https://calendly.com/ericjoemarketing/real-estate