Realtors Stop Boosting Your Listing

Realtors Stop Boosting Your Listing

Stop Boosting your Listing Realtors I get it… I really do. Facebook teases you… they taunt you… they basically say “Hey look! Posts like this are performing well. For 20 bucks we will show it to 1 Billion people… we promise…”...
Simple Buyer Leads

Simple Buyer Leads

Simple Buyer Leads ๐Ÿ Buyer leads are simple… ๐Ÿ‘‰Be SpecificCall out your city/ area ๐Ÿ‘‰Use Emojis! They help break up giant text walls and are more engaging ๐Ÿ‘‰ Highlight BenefitsInclude at least 1 major benefit of the house… ie Newly renovated, great schools,...
Facebook Ads Dont Work!

Facebook Ads Dont Work!

Facebook Ads Dont Work! Facebook Ads DONT Work!“Facebook ads are a waste of money”“Not one quality lead”“With Facebook’s new rules, real estate ads are dead!” Let’s hit the pause button…*PAUSE* Facebook ads are NOT...